Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Classes starting soon! Including the Summer Schedule 2008

Come and test us. Enjoy a shorter Kindermusik Adventures session (5 weeks comp
ared to a regular 15/16 weeks Semester). We offer a the following camps.
Mai 17th through June 14th, 2008 (Saturdays in the afternoon)
Ages Newborn to 18 Months
 3.00 pm to 3.45 pm
Set your baby's day to classical music. With a little more Tchaikovsky in your "Twinkle, Twinkle" repertoire you'll discover new ways your baby benefits from the classics as you both develop an appreciation for the world's most respected music. Each lesson features new activites and songs you can sing for all the places you go together - the store, the playground, the doctor, and more. Home Materials include: Book, CD, Village Cage Bell, and Poster.
 Ages 1 1/2 to 3 years
4.00 pm to 4.45 pm
Give your child something to sing about in her own backyard. Be the flower from the "seed's" perspective. Run and jump in rain puddles made from hula hoops. Shoo real flies and sing "Shoo Fly." Home Materials include: CD, Bunny Pupet, and Picture Fo
lders set.
July 26th through August 30th, 2008 (Saturdays in the afternoon)
Ages Newborn to 18 Months
3.00 pm to 3.45 pm
More than just a curious story, Mother Goose games like peek-a-boo help your baby understand language. In this special camp, unvover more ways to say "I love you" using  soap bubbles, and parent-baby dances. Plus, you can meet with other newborns and families in the community and learn how music improves the child development process. Home Materials include: Book, CD, Duch Wash Mitt, Baby Duck Gertie Ball, and Poster.
Ages 1 1/2 to 3 years
4.00 pm to 4.45 pm
Sing sailor songs and make the ocean count. "Five little seashells lying on the shore: Swish! Went the waves and then there were four." 
Home Materials include: CD, Seashell Castanet, Stroycard set and Picture Folder set.
Registration for this classes will start on Saturday April 12th, 2008 at our Open House in Mitte. The cost for one camp is 85,- Euro. Register for both camps for one age-group before May 10th, 2008 and receive 50% off the tuition for the second camp.
Register at an Open House (April 12th in Mitte und April 26th in Hermsdorf) and take a FREE KINDERMUSIK CD home with you.

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