Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Come visit our new Blog!

Now that we united Kindermusik with Alexandra and Kids Studio Berlin we will now only post on the former shared blog.
Please come and join us on as a follower or simple visit us whenever you feel like it.
Thank your for your support.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Look - How cute!

A little reminder I received to day. 
Dear drivers,
I'm here to remind you to look out where you going. It's the season for hedgehog babies!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

To all you wonderful mothers, I wish you a great Mother's Day! 
This is a link to a video I received. You can personalize it and send it to your mom and any other fabulous mom you know.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Parents' gestures linked to better children's vocabulary,0,6503608.story

By Robert Mitchum

Tribune staff reporter

1:04 PM CST, February 12, 2009

Child development experts have known for decades that children's vocabulary at the time they enter school is a strong predictor of their future educational success. But a new study from University of Chicago psychologists suggests that early parental influence over vocabulary may be, literally, in their hands.

  Parents who demonstrated a broad range of gestures to their children at 14 months of age produced children who gestured more broadly themselves, according to study to be published Friday in the journal Science. In turn, children who exhibited a larger "gesture vocabulary" at 14 months demonstrated a wider vocal vocabulary at 54 months, authors Meredith Rowe and Susan Goldin-Meadow reported.   That relationship may explain at least part of the observation that children from higher socioeconomic families exhibit stronger vocabulary skills when they enter school compared to children of low socioeconomic backgrounds. Parents with higher family income and more education gestured more to their children, the researchers found.

  "Basically all of the socioeconomic difference in child gesture can be explained by parent gesture," Rowe said. "It doesn't mean that children born into a high socioeconomic status family just gesture a lot, it actually depends what a parent does."  

The study measured the number of "gesture types"--such as pointing, waving or nodding--that parents and children exhibited to each other in a 90-minute videotaped session. The 50 families studied were drawn from the greater Chicago area, reflecting a wide range of economic, cultural and educational backgrounds, Rowe said.

Though the research does not yet prove that teaching parents to gesture more will directly increase a child's vocabulary later in life, the researchers said that the relationship does suggest something parents can try with their children. Gesturing is harmless, and potentially beneficial.


"I think it is extremely encouraging," said Goldin-Meadow, a professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. "Gesture is detectable early, and here's something parents can do pretty early."

  Area speech therapists said the new finding was welcome evidence for gesture-based activities already in use for children with delayed speech or enrolled in "baby sign language" classes.

  "We definitely use gestures and signs," said Denise Boggs, a speech pathologist at Children's Memorial Hospital. "For any child that is not talking, it gives them a framework, gives them an idea of what communication is for, and down the road they fill that in with verbalizations."


Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Demo Classes February 14th, 2008

We invite you to come and enjoy a free Kindermusik Preview Class of the up-coming semester. 
Ev. Kirchengemeinde (protestant church) Hermsdorf
Fellowship house, 1st foor
Wachsmuthstraße 24/28
3.00 p.m. to 3.45 p.m. Village (newborn to 18 months)
4.00 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. Our Time (1 1/2 to 3 years)
5.00 p.m. to 5.45 p.m. Family Time (children of all ages up to 7 years)
Please come and visit us with your children as well as friends for a wonderful time.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Let's rock! Even newborn can follow a rhythm

Newborns can follow a rhythm, a new study has found, suggesting rocking out is innate. This adds to growing evidence that a baby's brain isn't the blank slate it was once thought to be.
Please click here to read the story about this study on msnbc. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Why Kindermusik?

Have you every wondered what Kindermusik parents think? Here are some insides!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Welcome to 2009! / Willkommen in 2009!

Here also a little note to our Village Families. The classes - as already mentioned - will be held from now on instead of Mondays on Wednesdays starting January 7th, 2009. The classes will be held at the community center of the Ev. Church of Hermsorf (Wachsmuthstr. 24/28, 13467 Berlin). The class room is across the church office on the first floor.
Noch eine kleine Information für unsere Village Familien. Der Kurs wird - wie bereits erwähnt - ab sofort anstatt montags sondern mittwochs (7. Januar 2009) stattfinden. Der Kursort is dann in der Wachsmuthstr. 25/28, 13467 Berlin. Im Gemeindehaus der Ev. Kirchengemeinde Hermsdorf (gegenüber der Küsterei im 1. Stock).