Here are some of the finger plays we been doing in "Creatures of my Backyard" class .
Little Robin Redbreast
Little Robin Redbreast (Perch one hand on your arm.)
Sat upon a rail.
Niddle naddle went his head. (Wiggle your thumb.)
Wiggle waggle went his tail. (Wiggle your little finger)
Two Little Blackbirds
Use index fingers, one for Jack and one for Jill. At the word "fly," hide fingers behind your back. At the words "come back," bring fingers out again.
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill.
One named Jack and one named Jill.
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill.
Come back Jack, come back Jill.
Here's a Bunny
Here's a bunny with ears so funny, (Raise two bent fingers.)
And here's a hole in the ground. (Place your hand on your waist)
At the first sound he hears,
He pricks up his ears, (Quickly straighten fingers.)
And hops right into the ground. (Pop fingers into hole.)
Here's the Beehive
Here's the beehive. (Hold up one fist)
Where are the bees? (Turn the other hand out, with palm up.)
Hidden away where nobody sees. (Place open hand over the fist.)
Watch and you'll see them (Look intently at the closed fist.)
Come out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five. (Rais thumb and fingers one at a time and wiggle them all about.)
Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
Fuzzy wuzzy caterpillar
Creeping, creeping, creeping. (Creeping finger moving very slowly.)
Spins himself a blanke, (Roll both hands over and over each other.)
Now he's sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. (Hold both hands together very still)
Fuzzy wuzzy caterpilar
wakes up by and by (Spread hands apart)
Spreads his lovely wings. (Link both thumbs together and move all fingers)
Little Turtle
Little turtle, little turtle (Child crawls with scarf over back.)
Hide inside your shell. (Child stays very still and hide)
Little turtle, little turtle
Come and crawl with me. (Child crawls around.)
Little turtle, little turtle
I SEE YOU! (Parent lifts scarf to see child's face.)
Five Little Mice
Five little mice came out to play. (Fingers of right hand run over floor.)
Gathering crumbs along the way. Finger stop once in a while and then continue.)
Out comes kitty cat, big and fat. (With fingers closed, left hand covers the right.)
Four little mice go scampering back. (Tuck thumb of right hand under and let other four fingers "run back.")
Repeat the verse until you come to "One little mouse...") and at the end of the verse hold up your index finger and say: "The mouse got away. What do you thing of that?"